Tuesday, March 16, 2010

a prettier look & a collage how-to...

you may have noticed a slight difference in the style of pics that i posted in my last couple of posts (here & here) compared to the pics in the posts prior to these. can you spot the difference...?

- older posts -


- newer post -

i've decided to stick to this newer style..looks cleaner, simpler and prettier too. any thoughts on these?

oh, i've also discovered a collage function on photobucket - the perfect answer for when i have too many lovely pics to share ;) like the pics from ilaika's party...


it's rather hidden though so i didn't even know it existed! so i thought you might appreciate this lil collage how-to:

1. of course, you have to start with a photobucket account with pics uploaded to an album (if you don't, it's simple and free so click here for the photobucket site)...

2. choose an album to view & look at the top. there should be an option for "edit images" as circled below:

3. then click on the button that says "create a collage"...

4. you'll see this page...just choose the type of collage you'd like (on the left) & click "load photo" to select the pics...

5. once you're happy with the pics & proportions, choose "customise" for the final step...

6. here, you can resize, edit, add text etc. 

7. once you're happy with the whole collage, just click "save a copy"....

...and then sit back and admire ;)


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